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An advertisement in a restaurant 一家饭店门口的广告:


Please come in to eat or both of us will starve.进来吃饭吧,否则我们都要挨饿。

Traffic slogans 交通宣传标语

If you want to stay married, divorce speed.想和爱人牵手,就和超速分手。

Don't let your kids drive if they are not old enough--or else they never will be...如果你的孩子不够大就别让他开车,否则他就可能再也长不大了......

A US Marine Corps slogan for Anti-Terrorism 一条美国警方的反恐标语:

It's God's responsibility to forgive the terrorists. It's our responsibility to arrange the meeting.宽恕恐怖主义分子是上帝的责任,安排他们和上帝见面则是我们的责任。

A French training school in Germany 德国一家法语培训学校的招生广告:

If you don't like the course, you can tell us to give your money back. But remember to tell us in French.如果你听了一节课之后不喜欢这门课程,你可以要求退回学费,但必须用法语说。

A warning on the fence of a forbidden area 一处禁地围墙上的警示

No trespassing! Violators will be shot; survivors will be shot again.严禁擅闯!违者将被射杀;幸存者将被再次射杀。

Notice at the wildlife park 野生动物园里的游客须知:

Those who throw objects at crocodiles will be asked to retrive them.向鳄鱼丢东西的人将被要求把东西取回。

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